
October 18, 2008

Cover Your Ears

I have never packed lighter
A backpack of essentials
I left the rest behind
but I could not leave my mind
or the thoughts it contains

Words are swishing in my mouth
I want to let them out
Tears will fall as I shout
Cover your ears
I do not want you to hear

There is no need to explain
Do not ask questions
My answers are unsure
and my emotions obscure
with unexpected circumstance

October 13, 2008

Fix Me

Your power is perfect in my weakness
so I'll stand firm in who I am
and let you fix my brokenness.
A peace so overtaking
as I let go of what was always yours
you breathe a new life in me.

I Need Yours

Why is my heart so easily broken?
I don't want to care
but every part of me has turned on that switch
and I can't seem to hit it off.
I can't let go.
I want to give it all to You
but something is holding me back.
I'm inches from your grasp
but where is my strength?
I need Yours.

October 8, 2008


Through spaces between trees
of the forest in my mind,
a light that once shone,
I cannot seem to find.

Colors are not as vibrant here.
Leaves are washed with gray,
falling to the surface
as baring branches sway.