A little over two weeks ago, I flew anxiously through the clouds and colors of the evening sky and a few hours later, landed among the Los Angeles lights. My summer residence greeted me with its usual hustle and bustle, but my midwestern heart didn't mind one bit. The months spent praying, planning, and trusting proved worth it, as my feet hit the California ground and as I took my first breath of the LA air...smog and all.
The short weeks since my arrival have proven to be anything but dull. I've relished in the still surreal fact that I live across the street from my boyfriend. I've visited old friends, and I've made new ones. I met Mickey Mouse and realized the child in us never really dies. I continued to slave away at my computer, competing with every other soul applying to the same job, and ended up landing a job without having to fill out an application. God sure has a sense of humor.
And of course, I've had my share of embarrassing-to-admit "firsts." After 24 years of living, I have for the first time EVER:
Bought 2 weeks worth of groceries (fresh fruits and veggies included)
Paid rent
Lived alone
Baked homemade chocolate chip cookies
And the firsts are sure to continue. Cooking with meat is next on the list...
Living alone is an exciting but challenging reality. I have been fortunate enough to be living with families up until this point, and although the free rent and home cooked meals have been great, I realize the woman inside of me has been ready to give all that "adult" stuff a try for some time, now.
So far, this season has been doused with answered prayers, and I am thankful. I know, however, far more awaits, and I look forward to sharing. :)
With all the beauty of California,
<3 Elise