Updating on my last week in Costa Rica from my house is so strange.
Most of the last week was spent working on projects and studying for tests. By Wednesday I needed to finish an e-mail, a paper, a resume, and a cover letter. I also had a test on Wednesday that I needed to study for. Thursday I had a final project due, and Friday I had an oral exam and an "album of errors" due. But despite all the work, I managed to have some fun during the week, too.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010:
There wasn't a cultural activity this week, so originally I was going to go white water rafting, which would have been awesome, but I couldn't afford to be gone all day because I had so much work to get done. So instead I went on a "café Britt" coffee tour with a few of my friends. Café Britt is like the Starbucks of Costa Rica except better! The tour was really awesome and our actors/tour guides were hilarious. We learned all about how the coffee was made, and at the end we got to sample all of their coffees and chocolate. Everything was so delicious, and I definitely didn't leave empty handed! I bought a bag of their "Tarrazu" coffee, dark chocolate coffee beans, and little bags of coffee for friends and family!
Yay for coffee samples!

The group minus Emily, who refused to take a picture with our "creepy friends"

Café Britt!
The group minus Emily, who refused to take a picture with our "creepy friends"
Café Britt!
Thursday, June 10, 2010:
After class on Thursday I could breathe easy because I was finally done with all my work, and I was excited to get together with the group one last time. ISA organized a dinner for all of the summer session 1 students. The buffet was delicious and the view of San Jose was incredible! The way the entire city was lit up was beautiful. It was such a wonderful way to say goodbye to everyone!
Before we stuffed our faces!
Our entertainment for the night!
San Jose at night!
Friday, June 11, 2010:
What a surreal day for me! I couldn't believe it was my last day in a place that had become so familiar. The 5 weeks I spent in Costa Rica were a roller coaster, but I am so happy I decided to take advantage of such a memorable experience!
For the last day of oral and written expression, our professor took us all to the market and then to the University of Costa Rica. I had already been to the market, but it was still fun being able to talk to Ticos and look around. The University of Costa Rica was also really cool to see. It was a lot bigger than ULACIT and felt more like a university.
I didn't end up getting back until around 3:30, which gave Kate and I just enough time to do some last minute shopping at a market close by and a market in central San Jose. By the time we got to the center it was pouring, and my bad luck with rain continued! Crossing the street in San Jose is always dangerous because the cars and buses don't stop for pedestrians, so as I stepped off the curb to make a run for it, one of my sandals fell off into the deep puddle of water by the curb. There I was standing with one foot off the ground in the center of San Jose as a group of Ticos laughed at me as I struggled to find my shoe in the water. Eventually a nice Tico stuck his hand in the water and finally found my missing shoe. All that being said, I was super embarrassed. Haha.
Once Kate and I got home we enjoyed our last few hours with the family and packed. I had to be picked up at 3:15 the next morning, and I was happy when my Tico parents woke up to see me off. They even made me coffee! I was so sad to say goodbye to them, and I genuinely hope I will get to see them again someday. As the other students and I drove to the airport I couldn't believe I was heading home!
Oral and Written Expression/Phonetics
I will miss my ISA directors!
Kate and I with our AMAZING parents!
Some other pictures I've been meaning to post....
Teatro Nacional!
View from my bus stop to school!
ISA office!
Courtyard of ULACIT!
"El reloj" aka how we took/gave directions!
View from the bus stop from school!
After having time to reflect on my trip, I realize how blessed I am to have been able to experience a different culture and get to know amazing people from different states and different parts of the world. I am truly thankful for everything God has shown me through studying abroad. I have learned so much about myself and so much about the world God has created. I will never forget Costa Rica, and Costa Rica will always have a little piece of my heart.
Until next time Costa Rica....
The San Jose picture at night is SO AMAZING. I'm sure it was wayyy better in person. I'm so happy you challenged yourself and had this experience. I love that we have the ISA connection now too!!
We must drink some of that coffee this weekend!
Elise, the trip seems to be a success! I'm sure you learned a lot and grew tremendously. I have loved reading your blog and getting a bit more info on your daily activities.
love you!
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