
August 22, 2010

Dear autumn: get here already!

Summer days are dwindling with classes starting in only a few days, but sadly, the Missouri heat seems to be here to stay for a while more. I, however, have the spirit of autumn stirring within me. I long for the crisp, cold air, the sound of colorful leaves crunching beneath my feet, and Fall fashion. But even when the long awaited season arrives, it still won't be as beautiful as it would be if I were in Michigan. There is nothing like fall in the "mitten." I often catch myself staring at photos from my trip back home for Fall Break last year.

Seriously. What's not to love?


Joanna said...

I am right there with you...although there is little heat where I am at, I am dying for the changing leaves and excuses to sip hot apple cider! Michigan in the fall looks so lovely :)!!

Nicole Coffin. said...

those pictures are adorable! i loovvveee fall!! what part of missouri are you from? i live in columbia. do you go to the pumpkin fest in hartsburg? i go every year.

Shaheen said...

Leaves are only starting to turn colour here, thats of course if the rain will stop falling.

The photographs are amazing. Just love the way the colours come though and the big smiles.

Kind wishes from a wet Scotland.