
July 13, 2014

I call this, adventure.

Today, I write to you from my new residence, from my go-to spot on the porch, loving the occasional breeze on my sun-kissed skin. I write to you saturated in the changes of the past six months.

Winter turned to spring and spring to summer, and suddenly I was leaving my job and Battle Creek and everything comfortable and sure. As June was welcomed and celebrated by Michiganders everywhere, I hopped in the Camry and welcomed and celebrated the adventure awaiting my arrival.

I call this adventure Grand Rapids.

I call this adventure job hunting on the regular. Navigating the city streets and learning to parallel park. Drinking lots of good coffee and even better beer. Being unknown and unknowing. Loving him nearby instead of so far away. A reunion with old friends and an invitation to meet new ones. Fighting the temptation to lose myself in trying to be someone I'm not. A time to be bold. To be brave.

An opportunity to trust and obey.

I call this something beautiful and risky.

I call this a way of life.

I call this, adventure


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